Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Dota 2 Blue Screen issues in Windows

How do I update the system BIOS and chipset drivers for my motherboard?


Consult your Motherboard Manual Before Making Changes
Editing the system BIOS and motherboard settings improperly can result in system failure. Be sure to read your motherboard's manual thoroughly before attempting to flash your BIOS or update your motherboard's chipset drivers.
If you are not comfortable in performing the steps indicated by your motherboard's manual, please contact your motherboard manufacturer or system assembler for assistance.
It is important to keep the components on your motherboard in good working order, not just for playing games but for general system performance. The best way to accomplish this is to keep your motherboard's BIOS and chipset drivers up to date.
Many motherboard manufacturers release updates that resolve crucial issues related to system crashes and/or slow performance. This guide is intended to assist you in locating BIOS updates and chipset drivers to ensure that your system is in top working order.

Update (Flash) Your BIOS

The primary function of your system's BIOS is to recognize and initiate all of your system's hardware so it is ready to be used. "Flashing" the BIOS is synonymous with updating the motherboard's BIOS to the latest version. The often times requires a floppy drive to be installed on the system.
Please visit your motherboard manufacturer's website for instructions on how to check your BIOS version and for tools you can use to safely update your BIOS.

Update Your Chipset Drivers

Chipset drivers are responsible for controlling communication between various components in your system: the processor, the video card, the hard drives, PCI devices and system memory. Keeping these drivers up to date is important - especially if you are experiencing generally sluggish system performance.
Please visit your motherboard manufacturer's website to determine what type of chipset your motherboard has and where you can find the most recent drivers for it.

nForce Motherboards

Many motherboards use the Nvidia nForce platform for the chipset. Drivers are available directly from Nvidia, under nForce drivers:


While installing these drivers, you may be prompted to install the Nvidia Network Access Manager. We do not recommend installing that component because the Nvidia Network Access Manager has been known to cause issues with Steam.

Support from Your Motherboard Manufacturer

Here is a partial list of motherboard manufacturers and their websites where you should be able to get information and assistance (you may need to search for your motherboard manufacturer's site if you cannot find it on the list below):



















sumber : Dota 2 Forum

Dota 2 Verify Game Cache Files

I see purple checkerboards, weapon or world models are missing, or experience crashes while playing a game - how can I verify that my game files are installed correctly?

Try completing all of the following instructions in the order in which they are presented. Skip any steps that do you apply to you.

Windows Vista, 7, or 8 users

Skip this step and proceed to the next one if you do not use Windows Vista, 7, or 8.
  1. Completely exit Steam
  2. Right-click on the shortcut which you use to launch Steam
  3. Select "Run as Administrator"
  4. Launch Steam again and continue to the section of this article titled "Verify integrity of game cache"

Windows XP users

Skip this step and proceed to the next one if you do not use Windows XP
  1. Exit Steam
  2. Go to the "Start" menu, select "Run", type "regedit" and click "OK"
  3. Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\VALVE
  4. Right-click and select "Permissions"
  5. Check the "Allow" boxes for "Admin" and "System" for both "Full control" and "Read".
  6. Launch Steam against and proceed to the section of this article titled "Verify integrity of game cache"

 All operating systems - Verify integrity of game cache

  1. Load Steam
  2. From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
  3. Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
  4. Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
  5. Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.

sumber : Dota 2 Forum

Dota 2 Masalah load filesystem_steam.dll

I get the error:
"Unable to load c:\program files\steam\steamapps\[username]\[game]\bin\filesystem_steam.dll" or
"CFileSystem_Steam::Init() failed: failed to find steam interface"

when trying to launch a game.

Verify GCF files

Please see the Verifying GCF Cache Files article for instructions to repair your game cache files.

Extra filesystem_steam.dll or steam.dll copies

  1. Navigate to your Windows folder (default: C:\Windows)
  2. Right click the Windows folder and select Search 
  3. Search for any files named "filesystem_steam.dll" or "steam.dll"
  4. Delete or rename these files.

PC Tools Spyware Doctor

PC Tools Spyware Doctor is known to cause this issue. Please see Programs Which May Interfere with Steam for more information on resolving this issue.

Sumber : Dota 2 Forum

Ports TCP dan UDP Untuk Dota 2

Steam Client
  • UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive (Game client traffic)
  • UDP 27015 to 27030 inclusive (Typically Matchmaking and HLTV)
  • TCP 27014 to 27050 inclusive (Steam downloads)
  • UDP 4380

Dedicated or Listen Servers
  • TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

Steamworks P2P Networking and Steam Voice Chat
  • UDP 3478 (Outbound)
  • UDP 4379 (Outbound)
  • UDP 4380 (Outbound)

Additional Ports for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer

  • UDP 1500 (outbound)
  • UDP 3005 (outbound)
  • UDP 3101 (outbound)
  • UDP 28960

Sumber by : Forum Dota 2

Frosti… Wraith-Night

Your benevolent King has declared this coming December 12th an official holiday with the introduction of the Wraith-Night. A great and prosperous time is guaranteed for the entire family with festivities like the Harvesting of Souls. The little ones will especially enjoy playing in the snow while our Great Leader watches over from his Altar.
We love our King and are happy to provide souls for his Second Coronation. Remember, kill as many enemies as possible to hurry the return of the Great One.

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

System Requirements Dota 2

Dota adalah permainan yang kompetitif aksi dan strategi , bermain baik secara profesional dan santai oleh jutaan penggemar di seluruh dunia bergairah . Pemain memilih dari kolam lebih dari seratus pahlawan , membentuk dua tim dari lima pemain . Pahlawan Radiant kemudian pertempuran rekan-rekan Dire mereka untuk mengontrol lanskap fantasi cantik , melancarkan kampanye licik , diam-diam, dan langsung peperangan .Tak tertahankan berwarna-warni di permukaan , Dota adalah permainan kedalaman tak terbatas dan kompleksitas . Setiap pahlawan memiliki berbagai keterampilan dan kemampuan yang menggabungkan dengan keterampilan sekutu mereka dalam cara yang tak terduga , untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada permainan yang pernah jarak jauh sama. Ini adalah salah satu alasan bahwa fenomena Dota terus tumbuh . Berasal sebagai fan-made Warcraft 3 modifikasi , Dota adalah hit bawah tanah instan . Setelah datang ke Valve , pengembang masyarakat asli telah menjembatani celah untuk audiens yang lebih inklusif , sehingga seluruh dunia dapat mengalami gameplay inti yang sama , tetapi dengan tingkat polish yang hanya Valve dapat menyediakan .Dapatkan rasa dari permainan yang telah terpesona jutaan .

PC System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 7
    • Processor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Hard Drive: 8 GB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Mac System Requirements

    • OS: OS X Lion 10.7
    • Processor: Dual core from Intel
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: nVidia 320M or higher, or Radeon 7000 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Hard Drive: 8 GB available space

Linux System Requirements

    • OS: Ubuntu 12.04
    • Processor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeaon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Hard Drive: 8 GB available space
    • Sound Card: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card

Dota 2 Update - December 10th, 2013


- Skeleton King: Removed for pressing ceremonial reasons

Dota 2 Update - December 5th, 2013

• Fixed bug yang menyebabkan beberapa nama permata dan nilai-nilai Stat untuk mendapatkan dipotong dalam tooltip .• Biaya Resep telah berkurang . Perubahan ini akan mempengaruhi resep baru turun .• Item dengan permata yang menyampaikan Bertulis , Autographed , dan kualitas Ascendant sekarang akan muncul secara konsisten . Jika item gemmed sudah memiliki kualitas khusus ( seperti Genuine ) maka kualitas khusus akan lebih diutamakan daripada kualitas permata .• Beberapa masalah dengan kerajinan telah diperbaiki :
  •  Sebuah bug yang membuatnya tampak bahwa barang-barang yang ' dimakan ' oleh kerajinan telah diperbaiki . Tidak ada item yang benar-benar makan ( mereka masih dalam inventaris Anda ) . Sebagai contoh, sebuah resep yang mengambil 5 input akan kadang-kadang hanya mengkonsumsi 4 dari input dan tetap tidak lengkap . Item -5 tidak pernah dikonsumsi meskipun tampaknya oleh UI . Resep sekarang akan mengkonsumsi jumlah yang benar item .
  • Sebuah bug telah diperbaiki yang membuat tampilan beberapa resep menunjukkan salah jenis barang sudah terpenuhi ( yaitu : 4 dari hal yang sama ketika benar-benar 4 item yang berbeda telah dipenuhi ) .
  • Server diberitahu tentang upaya kerajinan awal dalam proses kerajinan sehingga hasil kerajinan akan muncul lebih awal .
  • kerajinan menyelesaikan animasi sekarang juga bermain untuk kerajinan parsial . Sebuah dialog akan muncul selama kerajinan parsial menunjukkan resep tidak lengkap dan membutuhkan lebih banyak komponen yang akan diselesaikan .
• Kebijakan daya jual untuk permata socketed dan item crafted telah berubah :
  • Gems diekstrak dari item yang " diperdagangkan setelah tanggal " sekarang menjadi tradable setelah tanggal yang sama .
  • Gems diekstrak dari item yang tidak pernah dapat diperdagangkan tidak lagi mewarisi pembatasan itu. Anda dapat dengan aman menambahkan permata untuk item permanen untradable tanpa permata menjadi permanen untradable .
  • Gems yang tidak diperdagangkan ( seperti permata Ascendant ) akan membuat item mereka ditambahkan ke untradable , tetapi hanya sementara orang permata socketed . Ekstrak permata akan menghapus pembatasan perdagangan dari item mereka ditambahkan ke .
  • Jika satu atau lebih input dibuat adalah " diperdagangkan setelah tanggal " maka resep dan output akan menjadi " tradable setelah tanggal " dengan tanggal terbaru dari input .
  • Jika satu atau lebih input dibuat secara permanen untradable maka resep dan output akan menjadi permanen untradable .
  • Semua item dibuat sebelumnya telah grandfathered ke dalam aturan-aturan baru dan telah dibuat dapat diperdagangkan .

Dota 2 Update - November 26th, 2013

- Wave of Force damage is no longer reflectable

- Enabled Luna on the workshop with new model and texture files
- Updated workshop model and texture files (including fbx) for Lion, Axe, Omniknight, Nature's Prophet, Juggernaut, Naga Siren, Ogre Magi, Tidehunter, and Ursa.
- Enabled alpha test for Earthshaker materials

- Improved Chinese IME support.

Dota 2 Update - November 25th, 2013

DIRETIDE - Sugar Rush
- Removed Roshan's 50% Base Magic Resistance
- Illusions can no longer be created in this phase
- Roshan can no longer be Rooted

- [OSX] Fixed crash for some users, especially when Command-tabbing.
- [OSX] Made Ctrl-click function like a right click.
- Upgraded to SDL 2.0.1